Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How's the Romance in Your Marriage?

I found this survey in a Yahoo news article that I thought was interesting...

"The top 10 everyday niggles and passion-killers: 1. Weight gain/lack of exercise, 13 percent; 2. Money & Spend thriftiness, 11 percent; 3. Anti-social working hours, 10 percent; 4. Hygiene issues (personal cleanliness), 9 percent; 5. In-Laws/extended family - too much/too little, 9 percent; 6. Lack of romance (sex, treats etc.), 8 percent; 7. Alcohol - drinking too much, 7 percent; 8. Snoring & anti social bedtime habits, 6 percent; 9. Lapsed fashion-Same old underwear/clothes, 4 percent; 10. Bathroom habits - Stray nail cuttings etc., 4 percent."

Some things to consider altering to keep the romance!


Mark said...

If the goal here is to get a high score, then I'm doing terrific! If not, uh oh...

Casey McDonald said...

yeeeaaah...the numbers are a ranking device (not meant to add up). Haha...nice Mark. But seriously, ditto.