Tuesday, November 29, 2011


            Christology may sound like a confusing and scary word, but do not let it be.  Break down its parts and you get simply the study (from –logia) of Christ.  This study within Christian theology deals specifically with the person and nature of Christ.  There are many conflicting views about who Christ is and what his purpose was while he walked on earth in the 1st Century A.D.  Some of these differences people hold include his deity, humanity, status as “son,” the resurrection, and his eternal reign.

Jesus wanted to know, “Who do men say that I am?”  How people answer this question is the core of christology.  Jesus is eternally divine.  Everything was created through him making him present in and responsible for the creation.  He was called Immanuel, “God with us,” because he was God in the human form.  The historical implications to this claim are affirmed in Jesus’ own claim of his divinity and the confirmation of that claim through his resurrection from the dead.  Jesus’ humanity is strongly affirmed through his birth to Mary.  He was born of flesh and blood.  The book ends of his life point to his humanity maybe more than anything else.  While he was born of flesh and blood, he died because of that same flesh and blood that he allowed to be abused and poured out during his crucifixion.

Christ is God’s one of a kind son.  Jesus’ discourse with Nicodemus in the gospel of John carries one of the most descriptive christological verses in the Bible.  Jesus said in 3:16 (NASB), “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son…”  The description “only begotten” is also translated “only” and “one and only.”  The notion that Jesus came from or was created by God the father does not line up with his eternal nature.  The second verse of the Bible expressly mentions God and the Spirit of God during the creation narrative.  Later in that same story, the divine plural is seen for the first time, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26).  It is a little easier to understand why the Jews could understand the Spirit, but not a third substance of God.  John 1:1-5 tells of the son’s presence also during creation.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Campfire Christianity

            One hobby I enjoy thoroughly is camping.  A “must do” while camping is building and maintaining a campfire. The fire is used for several different activities while in the woods.  Food is often cooked on the campfire, marshmallow roasting is a sure hit, heating up chocolate Hershey bars to make "smores" wets my taste buds, keeping warm during the night’s cool breeze, and “chewing the fat” are all events that I love to take part in around the campfire.
A good campfire starts out as a dead pile of brush and small twigs that will catch a spark easily.  As the base is broadened, larger sticks are used for the endurance of the fire.  Once the base is set up a spark is needed to ignite the flame either from a match, lighter, or the old school hard core way of friction from a stick.  The campfire is now going, the food has been cooked and the time is at hand for gazing into the fire being mesmerized by the red hot coals.
Kurt Kaiser wrote the song “Pass It On” which speaks of a fire.  The first verse says,
It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those a round can warm up in its glowing;
That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it:
You spread His love to everyone; you want to pass it on.
Jesus speaks of this “spark” in John 13:34, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (ESV).  Jesus provided the spark which started the fire of Christianity.  The fire started out small and then turned into a blaze.  Often in our lives though, the fire weakens.  When a campfire is built, the spark starts the brush, the brush starts the twigs, then the twigs catch the logs and a big fire is made.  Once the logs start to burn out though, the fire will lose its flame.  Is our Christianity burning out?
            It is not a new concept or weakness to allow one’s Christianity to burn out.  Peter was on fire for Jesus and stated in Matthew 26:35 “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You.”  Peter’s fire soon died out when he was approached three different times that night being accused of being associated with Jesus and denying the accusation all three times before the rooster crowed (Mt. 26:69-75). Do not be discouraged if your fire dims down, but do not become slack concerning the matter.

Monday, November 7, 2011

It’s a Boy!

            Becoming a parent is one of the most intimidating experiences I have encountered to date.  There is so much responsibility needed for the proper care of a child.  We found out back in July that Kayla was pregnant…our first child was officially being formed!  Last Monday we found out that the baby is a boy.  This news came with much relief on my part because I grew up in a house full of boys (God bless our saintly mother) and knew somewhat how to handle them.  Of course, if he does half the things my brothers and I did, then Kayla will be bound for the crazy house as I am sure we almost did with my blessed mom. 
            It has been said before that one of the most important mission fields is your own home.  I am blessed to have parents and grandparents that prayed regularly about us growing up to find the LORD and find a mate that would help us get to heaven.  Saturday, October 29 marks the final answer to those prayers as Daniel marries Amber Wiginton.  Amber has amazing parents that prayed the same prayers for her.  My prayer for our baby boy is that he too grows up to find his heavenly father, trust in his son Jesus, and be sealed by his Holy Spirit so that we will one day all be reunited in eternal heaven. 
The most intimidating thing about becoming a parent is the responsibility of training children up in the way of the LORD.  This is so nerve-racking because I am certainly not a perfect person.  How am I qualified to help someone figure out Christianity when I do not even have it figured out myself?  Thankfully there is a loving father who teaches and guides his children on how to be better parents, not perfect parents.  The saying stands true in parenthood as it does anywhere else, “Practice what you preach.” 
To lead by example is what God the Father does for us through his son.  Jesus was the perfect example of a servant leader.  This type of leader certainly does not allow people to trample on him, but rather takes a stand for the truth and is willing to be killed for it.  That is the type of leadership I strive for and the kind I pray can be passed on and lived out better than I ever could.